News & President's Corner - Archive

The annual meeting / Board election will be on Saturday, March 25th, 2023. Two (2) Board of Directors seats are up for election. The seats are currently held by Marvin Jones and Sandy Graves, respectively.

Election Ballots- The ballots for this year’s election have gone to the printer. The ballots will be mailed out shortly. Please keep an eye out for them. Your vote for two Board Members is very important.

Election Ballots- The ballots for this year’s election have gone to the printer. The ballots will be mailed out shortly. Please keep an eye out for them. Your vote for two Board Members is very important. There is also a Bylaw Amendment on the ballot. Generally, the amendment removes subdivisions that do not pay the current rate of common area maintenance fees—more on this next week.

ISAC (Island Strategic Action Committee)- I attended the ISAC meeting on Tuesday, December 6. The Corpus Christi Fire Chief gave a presentation regarding combining the ESD #2 Fire Station, personnel, and equipment with the Corpus Christi Fire Department. In particular, he pointed out that the tax money paid for ESD #2 is redundant in that we pay tax money to the City for the Fire Department. We did not hear the ESD #2 side of the story. I will keep you posted on this.

Good News- The derelict sailboat (ghost ship- Captain Jack Sparrow would have been proud) has been towed away to the boatyard for decommissioning. Thank you to the residents along the Cabana canal. You would not believe the red tape we went through with several government agencies. The vessel is gone but will not be forgotten.

Good News- The first advisory committee meeting regarding a new bridge and causeway off the Island was conducted on Monday, November 21. I am a member of this committee. The committee has been organized by Ted Mandel with the support and assistance of State Representative Todd Hunter. TX Dot is the entity that would be responsible for obtaining funding and constructing a new causeway/bridge. There is a meeting scheduled between TX Dot and the committee next month. The process of getting a new way off the Island will take years. The guestimates include 10-20 years. The good news is the process is getting started. A big thank you to Ted and Todd for getting the ball rolling. Stay tuned.