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  • News from the PIPOA - Marvin Jones, President

  • Date:

    February 22, 2023

  • Details:

    Full Transparency and Disclosure
    News you can Use.

    As always, let me have your thoughts. You can reach me at or call me at 469-231-3485. You can also call the Padre Isles Property Owners Association (PIPOA) office with any questions you have at 361-949-7025.

    What is the PIPOA?- The Padre Isles Property Owners Association, Inc. is a Texas-authorized corporation. It is not a social club like the Padre Island Yacht Club or a charity like La Posada. The PIPOA’s Charter is to function as a corporation. The PIPOA is controlled by the Articles of Incorporation, the different subdivision’s covenants, the Corporate Bylaws, and State of Texas Law. Collectively, excluding State Law, the above is known as the governing documents. Think of a football field. On each side of the field is an out-of-bounds line. A football game must be played inside the lines and in bounds. The governing documents and State Law create the out- of-bounds lines for the PIPOA. The PIPOA must stay within the boundaries of the Governing documents and State Law as it carries out its operations.

    The PIPOA Corporate Bylaws govern the rules and procedures of the Corporation, including the Board of Directors and, in particular, job descriptions for the Corporate Officers. The Bylaws provide rules and procedures for the election of Board members. The Bylaws state that the Board of Directors manages the PIPOA. The Bylaws have no provision for members to manage the Corporation. Input from Association members is always welcome, but at the end of the day, it is the Board that makes the decisions to manage the Corporation. Therefore, policies and procedures and other relevant decisions are created by a majority vote of the seven-member Board of Directors. The Executive Director, as per the Bylaws, is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Corporation. The Board of Directors President is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Corporation. The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the Corporate funds. The duties of each officer are spelled out in the Bylaws.

    The Bylaws require the election of Board Members every year. Board seats up for election are two each year, with the third year having three seats up for election. The members of the Association vote for and elect the Board Members. I encourage all members to go to the PIPOA website at and read the Corporate Bylaws. In addition, other documents, such as covenants and financial statements, are there as well. There is a plethora of information on the website. If you have questions or seek further information, reach out to Gary Klepperich, Executive Director, at 361-949-7025 or email Furthermore, Gary has an open- door policy. Go to the PIPOA office at 14015 Fortuna Bay Dr. to talk in person regarding PIPOA matters.

    Election Ballots- The ballots for this year’s election have gone to the printer. The ballots will be mailed out shortly. Please keep an eye out for them. Your vote for two Board Members is very important. There is also a Bylaw Amendment on the ballot. Generally, the amendment removes subdivisions that do not pay the current rate of common area maintenance fees—more on this next week.

    The Padre Isles Property Owners Association’s Annual meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2023, at 10:00 AM at the Padre Island Baptist Church across from Whataburger. There are two seats on the Board up for election. Only one person signed up to run during the registration period. Therefore, there will be an opportunity for write-in candidates on the ballot, and nominations for candidates may be made from the floor at the meeting. If you are interested in being on the Board, here is an excellent opportunity.

    The next PIPOA Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 5:30 PM at the Padre Island Baptist Church located across from Whataburger.

    Marvin Jones