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  • News from the PIPOA - Marvin Jones, President

  • Date:

    October 26, 2022

  • Details:

    Full Transparency and Disclosure
    News you can Use.

    As always, let me have your thoughts. You can reach me at or call me at 469-231-3485. You can also call the Padre Isles Property Owners Association (PIPOA) office with any questions you have at 361-949-7025.

    It has been another quiet week at the PIPOA. Board Meeting- The PIPOA Board meeting conducted on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, provided the following presentations and discussions. The Board voted to increase the amount of compensation paid to members that provide electricity for the aerators in the canals.

    Doctor Russell Miget gave a report regarding canal water testing. Water testing primarily deals with the oxygen level of the water. According to Doctor Miget, the oxygen level in the canals is and has been adequate for a number of years.

    The boat ramp sticker committee gave a report regarding their meeting and possible amendments to the sticker and towing policy. The committee will be meeting again to discuss additional issues. The consensus seems to be that a single permit sticker placed on the inside of the vehicle with a registration number assigned to a particular vehicle may be the best option. Stay tuned as the committee will work its way through the fine points of boat ramp parking.

    The Board discussed sealing the cracks in the boat ramps. The underwater ramps have various cracks and crevices. Sealing them with epoxy will extend the lifespan of the underwater ramp. The Board also discussed striping parking spaces on the boat ramp parking lot.

    The Board voted to retain Election Trust to distribute ballots, count the votes, and report the results of the March 2023 Board Election. Election Trust is the company that has managed the election process for the past couple of years.

    The Executive Director, Gary Klepperich, presented the Board with a preliminary draft of the 2023 Budget. The Board will study the proposal, make refinements if necessary, and approve the budget at the December 2022 Board meeting.

    The Cobo De Bara Boat ramp continues to have non-PIPOA members using this boat ramp for picnics, parting, and fishing. A member resident adjacent to the boat ramp reported she had fishing lines, lures, and other items on her back deck. Furthermore, she had an individual (uninvited) walk through her garage and knock on her inside door, asking if he could reclaim the fishing tackle from her back deck. The Board is exploring ways to provide additional security at this boat ramp.

    Halloween- Halloween is coming up on Monday, October 31st. The kids will be out trick-or- treating. Please be careful when driving through the neighborhoods. The ghosts and goblins are difficult to see at night.

    Towing- Over the weekend, three vehicles and one trailer were towed from the boat ramps. You can purchase your vehicle and boat trailer stickers at the PIPOA office located at 14015 Fortuna Bay Drive. The vehicle sticker is $5.00, and the trailer sticker is $10.00.

    Board Meeting- The next PIPOA Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 5:30 pm at the Padre Island Baptist Church located across from Whataburger. All PIPOA members are invited to attend.

    La Posada- December 9th will be the boat parade on the North canals, and December 10th will be the boat parade in the South canals. For a full listing of dates and events, go to the La Posada Facebook page.

    Marvin Jones, PIPOA President