News from the PIPOA - Marvin Jones, President
November 16, 2022
Full Transparency and Disclosure
News you can Use.As always, let me have your thoughts. You can reach me at or call me at 469-231-3485. You can also call the Padre Isles Property Owners Association (PIPOA) office with any questions you have at 361-949-7025.
2023 Board of Directors Election- In March of 2023, two (2) Board of Directors seats are up for election. The seats are currently held by Marvin Jones and Sandy Graves, respectively.
For Padre Isles POA owners wanting to run for the Board, the registration period will open on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 8:00 AM Central and will close on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 5:00 PM Central.
Per the Bylaws, Board Members must be at least 18 years old and be members of the Association (own property in the PIPOA).
Interested members are asked to please send a notice and a brief resume, along with a picture, to the Executive Director, Gary Klepperich, Resumes may also be mailed to the PIPOA office or dropped off at the office located at 14015 Fortuna Bay Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78418.
Candidate-submitted resumes will be published in a newsletter; be placed on the PIPOA's Facebook page, and put on the PIPOA's website. The PIPOA will not proofread resumes prior to publication.
For questions, please contact the Executive Director, Gary Klepperich, at the email address above, or call 361-949-7025.
Good News- State Representative Todd Hunter, with the help of Island resident Ted Mandel, has organized an advisory committee to begin studying the possibility of a second bridge on and off the Island. I have been asked to participate in this committee. The process of getting a second bridge to the Island will no doubt take several years. Funding for the project would come from both the State and Federal governments. We all know how government works; the politics of a second bridge should be interesting.
Solar Panels- Several members are beginning to install solar panels on their homes. Prior to installing solar panels, members are required to submit the plans and gain approval from the PIPOA's Architectural Control Committee (ACC). State Law guarantees members the right to install and use solar panels. However, State Law also allows the PIPOA to review the plans, including the materials, color, and placement of the panels. Your cooperation with this is appreciated.
Common Area Maintenance Fees (Dues)- Every year during the PIPOA Board election season, the question of will CAM fees be increased. There will be NO increase in CAM fees for 2023. It requires a 51% vote to amend covenants in each subdivision within the PIPOA to raise CAM fees. Furthermore, this issue will not be on the ballot.
Towing- Over the weekend, no vehicles or trailers were towed from the boat ramps. You can purchase your vehicle and boat trailer stickers at the PIPOA office located at 14015 Fortuna Bay Drive. The vehicle sticker is $5.00, and the trailer sticker is $10.00.
Board Meeting- The next PIPOA Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 5:30 PM at the Padre Island Baptist Church located across from Whataburger. All PIPOA members are invited to attend.
La Posada- December 9th will be the boat parade on the North canals, and December 10th will be the boat parade in the South canals. For a full listing of dates and events, go to the La Posada Facebook page. In addition, La Posada invites those participating in the boat parade to a boat decorating party on Saturday, December 3, 2022, at 10:00 AM. Padre Island Yacht club volunteers, along with the Marines, will be available to help you decorate your boat. Bring your lights and decorations, and they will all pitch in to help.
Marvin Jones, PIPOA President