News from the PIPOA - Marvin Jones, President
July 13, 2022
Full Transparency and Disclosure
News you can Use.As always, let me have your thoughts. You can reach me at or call me at 469-231-3485. You can also call the Padre Isles Property Owners Association (PIPOA) office with any questions you have at 361-949-7025.
Short-term rentals (STRs)- The PIPOA neighborhoods have been protected from short-term rentals by the City Council, leaving the single-family RS-6 zoning in place. Now the short-term rental issue has moved to the new Whitecap development. Will there be short-term rentals in the Whitecap development adjacent to PIPOA homeowners? That is, PIPOA owners on the boundary of the Whitecap development may back up to new properties that allow short-term rentals. The City Council has not approved the plans for the Whitecap development. Stay tuned for more information on this.
Boat Ramp- The Caravel Boat Ramp has been resurfaced and is open for use. The next boat ramp to be resurfaced is Cabo De Bara. The resurfacing will begin in September after Labor Day.
Theft- The flags at Billish Park have been stolen again. This is the third time the American and Texas flags have been stolen from the flagpole. It costs the PIPOA money to replace the flags and rope used to raise and lower the flags.
We have discovered that people will park their boat trailer and truck in the street next to the PIPOA office. Then they go and get the hose attached to the PIPOA building. Subsequently, they use the hose and PIPOA water to wash down their boats. This is not the crime of the century, but it is stealing water from the PIPOA. How sad a few people have no respect for others’ property. Has anyone noticed the increase in crime reported in the Island Moon?
Towing- Last week, seven vehicles and trailers were towed. You can purchase your sticker for $10 at the PIPOA Office located at 14015 Fortuna Bay Drive.
Bulkheads- The two contractors employed by the PIPOA continue to repair bulkheads. If you have a problem with your bulkhead, please contact the PIPOA Office at 361-949-7025. Ask for Gary Klepperich. It is important that bulkhead problems be reported sooner than later.
Aerators- The PIPOA places aerators at canal ends. Currently, there are aerators at twelve locations. The aerators require electric power to run the pump forcing air into the canal water. The purpose of the pumped air is to give fish more oxygen and help prevent stagnant water. This increases the quality of the canal water. It is necessary to tie the aerator electric line into an adjacent homeowner’s electricity. The PIPOA reimburses the homeowner for the electricity. Unfortunately, the IRS requires the PIPOA to submit a 1099 on behalf of the homeowner as income. Some homeowners prefer not to receive a 1099. Therefore, they stop allowing the PIPOA to access their electricity. Usually, another neighboring homeowner will step up and allow access to their electricity. The homeowners have requested and are entitled to privacy for their cooperation. The last thing the homeowners want is someone stalking the aerators by looking over their fences and walking on their bulkheads. As I write this article, all aerators are working with the exception of one in which the homeowner has rejected access to his electricity. These aerators do need repair from time to time. The PIPOA has a contractor who has been working for the PIPOA for at least a decade. He repairs the aerators and installs new locations when needed. In addition, this contractor takes water quality tests. The tests are for oxygen levels in the water. The tests are sent to the TCEQ. TCEQ has not sent a violation notice to the PIPOA. The test results are posted on the PIPOA’s website. Let’s all remember that the water in our canals comes from the Gulf of Mexico.
Marvin Jones, PIPOA President